Wednesday, February 11, 2015

FWIBOSTV Exec Jay Alan Fire Newton's Folly head writer Jason Ungart. "Somewhere, he fell away from our shared vision."

Execs at FWIBOSTV fired Newton's Folly writer Jason Ungart on Monday, a source close to the network said. Rumors have flown since the shows beginning, when Head Producer Jay Alan and Jason Ungart disagreed on key story points. But this is the first strong evidence that Jay Alan was unhappy with Jason Ungart's direction.

"In the beginning," Jay said on Wednesday, "Jason and I both had some good ideas. I felt I could let him and the writing team handle our shared vision for the game."

"Ultimately, it's clear that Jason diverged from that vision. During the last episode, "there were some problems with pacing and story-line. It would be a diservice to the audience to to let those problems continue.  We don't want another Lost fiasco."

Originally brought on for his strong pitch document for "The Iron Islands" and recent success with Star Wars: The Cruel Triad, a Star Wars campaign that FWIBOSTV had to cancel due to budget concerns. But flush from a recent success, it seems that Jason Ungart second attempt was mired by bad ideas and too much leeway.

"We had high hopes for his writing." Jay Alan said, "And some of it was very good. The beginning started well, and people loved the episode "Tin Men.", but like David Lynch, too much leeway started to cause the show to meander. Modern shows must be lean, and we needed to nip that in the bud."

"We hope to rework the show, come back stronger with a new head writer,"

As of yet, no decision has been made, but documents leaked indicate the network is seriously considering talks with  Jay Alan Ungart - no relation, and the end of the last episode will be ignored.

"We are in discussion with several people."  Jay Alan said.

What about next season's story-line? "Well, we are toying with a few ideas. The Golden Age of Piracy, The Spanish Succession, Perhaps even the court of Louis XIV."

Many shows, such as Friends, Parks and Rec, and Buffy: The Vampire Slayer had trouble finding their identity. in the first season.

"A weak start isn't so bad."  Exec Jay Alan said. "Better than a weak ending. Lost, Dexter, Battlestar Galactica. We don't want that. But strong shows , like the Simpsons, and Seinfeld - had very weak first seasons. We think we can recover."

 Jay Alan Ungart couldn't comment on the negotiations, except to say that he was indeed in talks with FWIBOSTV execs. "They are some great guys, i hope we reach some sort of agreement."

Jason Ungart could not be reached for comment, as he was being beaten with bats while badgers gnawed on his ankles. As of this posting, we received word that he is being sodomized by a burly clown named Jeff K O'Colin.

"I mean - a Matrix plot?" O'Colin said, squirting lube into his hands. "Pretty sophomoric if you ask me."